The Challenge

a blue line

  • High turnover among contingent workforce creating a need for constant training.
  • Low productivity and reliability among temporary workers.
  • Overseeing temporary work force reduced time available for operational oversight.


Our Approach

a blue line

Capstone utilized a two-shift operation to staff and manage 16 of the manufacturer’s sub-assembly processes.

  • Provide and manage skilled workforce
  • Monitor for performance and efficiency
  • Fees and penalties for performance below standards
  • Enable client to shift their focus to strategic matters and permanent employees


The Solution

a blue line

  • Material handling and assembly of subs
  • Provide staff and train to client’s rigid standards
  • Integrated performance-based labor with fees and penalties for downtown or line stoppage
  • Established PPM score for complete transparency

Partner Profile:

One of the world’s leading diesel engine manufacturers that sells in approximately 190 countries and territories.



Freight Solutions

Unrivaled Transportation and Brokerage

It starts with a commitment to you. Show us your freight management problems, and we’ll show you tangible solutions.

fleet of cargo trucks parked