Partner Profile

a blue line

One of the largest supermarket chains in North America.

The Challenge

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The supermarket chain was in the process of a company-wide implementation of the new Manhattan WMS in all warehouses and DCs — and the implementation was leading to a loss of consistency, accountability, and productivity. Training requirements and the learning curve were causing up to 30% time loss among associates. Unforeseen system bugs, glitches, and testing were further compounding the problem, leading to additional production slowdowns and backlogs. Frustration with the change and added stresses were also leading to higher turnover among the supermarket’s full-time employees.

Our Approach

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Capstone assessed the situation, and determined that a full-service warehousing solution would help fill the labor gaps and augment the supermarket chain’s processes where the most support was needed:

  • Provide experienced leadership with expertise in Manhattan WMS
  • Provide skilled associates rapidly to fill labor gaps
  • Provide utilization reports to demonstrate measurable productivity and resource allocation while new WMS is still getting off the ground
  • Allow full-time employees to focus on implementation and training by ensuring there’s no slowdown on daily operations


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The full-service solution ensured a successful rollout of the new WMS:

  • Teams drive performance up within 72 hours, compensating for time loss and reversing backlogs
  • Service levels and output remain stable, unaffected by WMS change
  • Provide workforce augmentation for the most impacted functions: Order Selection, Pick & Pack, and Loading
  • Repeatable solution rolls out to all impacted warehouses



Lost time gap eliminated


Service levels maintained

72 hours

measurable improvement in productivity

8 successful implementations

with a further 17 targeted for completion through 2025