Warehouse Management

Instant, Digital Unloading Payments With CapstonePay

CapstonePay is a remote payment system that enables truck drivers delivering into Capstone-supported facilities to electronically pay for unloading services without leaving their cab.

driver checking phone in driver's seat of truck

Improve The Experience For Truck Drivers Delivering To Your Facility

CapstonePay is a web-based platform that integrates with all major fleet check and fuel card providers, including Comdata, WEX EFS, TCH and T-Chek.  We also offer payment processing using credit cards and Relay Payments. Payments are made instantly, in a contactless, frictionless manner. CapstonePay aims to improve the driver experience at Capstone partner facilities in several ways: 


Eliminate phone calls needed to verify check codes.


Allow drivers to pay from their mobile phones rather than entering the warehouses.

Peace of Mind

Provide drivers and their companies with instant, electronic receipts to guarantee quicker reimbursement.


Get drivers back on the road faster to increase their hours of service and ability to generate revenue.

The Improved Checkout Process With CapstonePay Saves Carriers Considerable Time Per Unload And Protects Both Drivers And Shippers Against Lost Receipts And Fraudulent Activity.

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